1980 Certificate in Arabic of IsMEO (Institute of Middle and Far Eastern Studies) of Milan.
1982 Degree with honours (110/110 cum Laude) in Oriental Languages at the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, with a dissertation on the thought of the Egyptian writer Khalid Muhammad Khalid.
1984 (Spring) Scholarship of Egyptian Government for field activities
1987/1988 Lecturer in Computational Linguistics at Catholic University of Milan
1989 Researcher in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Catholic University of Milan
1992 Senior researcher in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Catholic University of Milan
1994 Assistant professor of Arabic at University of Turin
1995/96 Assistant professor of Arabic at University of Pavia.
In 2011 he was a member of the Committee for Italian Islam at the Ministry of the Interior and Cardinal Angelo Scola appointed him responsible for relations with Muslims of the Archdiocese of Milan during his mandate.


Associate Professor in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Catholic University of Milan.

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“Tradition islamique et discours islamiste: quelle continuité?” in Annali di Scienze Religiose, 2/2009, pp. 35-49.
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السيرة الذاتية